Well, off we went on another train trip in Europe. This time, we went from Thun, Switzerland to Toulouse, France. It took most of the day but we arrived at the station safely and were met by the smiling face of my friend, Patrick. The last time that I saw Patrick, and his wife, Marie Ange was about 15 years ago! It was great to visit with him on the 40 minute drive to the small town of Gardouche. They have a wonderfully French house on the corner an intersection with a statue of the Virgin Mary outside. The house is only steps away from the Canal Midi, a canal system that connects many regions of France and was built hundred years ago. They gave us a warm welcome with a nice meal and we met their teenage children, Merlin and Clara.
Shannon and Christopher were weary from being on the go for the past month and did not want to do too many things during that week. So, we decided to do two big things during our stay: visit Carcasonne Castle and Cite de l'Espace (Space Centre) in Toulouse. So, as a result, the children enjoyed watching movies, going to the local pool (where Christopher was forced to wear a Speedo bathing suit because that was the rule), going to the theatre, and playing on the computer. We also all joined in some of the local comedy shows on French TV and played some board games.
I enjoyed walks and drives in the area with my friends. I even had the chance to go the the beauty salon and go to a movie in town. One of the days, we went to the Carcasonne Castle, which was huge and beautifully preserved. I could really picture living during those times, and boy, it would have been cold in those stone rooms with small windows! We also went to a brasserie restaurant in town to celebrate Patrick's 57 th birthhday. We had a feast of the local specialities and it was delicious! After the meal, we continued to look around the little town and even go scared half to death in the Haunted House...I actually screamed when a character in a black robe jumped at us! It was a fun day!
On the last Sunday that we were in Gardouche, we adults jumped in the car laden with food and went off to a Buddist retreat. There were about 25 people crammed into a charming farm house in the country and it was very interesting. There was some quiet meditation time during the meal, some songs, discussions, prayers, a video presentation, and even a meditative walk by the pond outside. It was a wonderful day and the people were very kind and welcoming. At one point, they asked if people wanted to read from a sheet about the main principles of Buddism and I put up my hand, since I was not familar with them. Funny enough, what they were really looking for were volunteers to read aloud in French, so I did, with my charming (ha!) accent. I learned a lot during that retreat and I found the Buddist philosophy to be very positive and helpful for daily life. I will try to live more in the NOW in the future...
The last big outing that we went on was to go the Cite de l'Espace in Toulouse. It was very interesting with the MIR space shuttle, lots of simulators and interesting activities for the kids. It also had an I MAX and planetarium shows on the planets and outer space. It was amazing!
We had a wonderful time in Gardouche with our friends and look forward to seeing them again in the years to come.
Shannon and Christopher waiting for the train in Thun (we loved the Swiss ad behind them). |
A moment of relaxation before we take three more trains to get to Toulouse! |
The kids hanging out on the train! |
Street view of Patrick and Marie-Ange's home in the small town of Gardouche, France. |
This is the back of their home with a large yard and steps away from the Canal Midi. |
Merlin and Shannon lounging at home. |
Marie Ange and her daughter Clara enjoying a movie. |
View out the front of the home of the Virgin Mary
(their home is aptly called maison de la vierge- Virgin Mary home, in English) |
Marie Ange walking along the Canal Midi near her home. |
The Canal Midi which spans a good deal of France. |
One of the locks of the Canal Midi (note the shape of the lock is for a ship). |
Brenda along the Canal Midi with houseboat barges (les peniches) behind. |
Town of Gardouche. |
These beautiful plantan trees line the roads of France- they were planted to shade the roads in the summer. |
Brenda in front of the Carcasonne Castle |
What a castle! |
Christopher in front of an ancient Roman tower at the Carcasonne Castle (it is different because it has the red bricks in it) |
Shannon and Chris in one o the castle towers. |
Shannon loved the castle- doesn't she look like a princess! |
Merlin, Patrick, Marie Ange, and Christopher at the castle. |
Shannon, Clara, Merlin, Patrick, and Marie Ange in an inner courtyard of the castle
(I loved the detail on the wall behind in brick). |
What a view! |
The kids in the castle! |
Walking around the town just outside of Carcasonne Castle. |
Clara and Shannon outside the "haunted house"- it was really scary! |
Here we are in a restaurant to celebrate Patrick's birthday! |
Brenda, Marie Ange, and Christopher. |
Patrick and his son, Merlin. |
Shannon and Clara. |
Farm house where the Buddish Retreat took place outside of Toulouse. |
Patrick, Brenda, and Marie Ange at the end of the retreat. |
The scenery around the farm house. |
The gathering area for the Buddist retreat at break time (Marie Ange and Patrick are in the centre) |
Peace, in yourself, is peace, in the world! |
Here I am in the group! |
Meditative walks around the pond.
The astronauts! |
What can I say, I'm living the experience like the astronauts! |
Shannon on some sort of twirling space thing. |
Merlin did a weather forecast. |
Yes, I am hoppig like I am on the Moon! |
Christopher in a space simulator. |
Merlin flying a space shuttle! |
Brenda in front the actual MIR space station that was manned by the Soviets in years gone by. |
Christopher in a space craft simulator. |
Here we are in front of a rocket ship. |
Chris did the Moon walk too! |
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