Saturday, October 30, 2010

Exploring nearby beaches and trying to rescue a puffer fish!

Wow, is all that I can say!  Juli, the director of Se Habla language schoo,l took me out to see the nearby beaches and they are spectacular! It only took us about 20 minutes to find unspoiled beaches with white sand and great swimming. The first beach we went to was Bahia Balandra which is sheltered and shallow. It looks to be a popular spot for sea kayaking and family picnics. There is a view of the mountains on all sides and a glimspe of nearby Isla Espiritu Santo (Holy Spirit Island).

Bahia Balandra.

Bahia Balandra with view of Isla Esppiritu in the background.

Kayak rentals on Playa Balandra..

Brenda enjoying the playa!

Palm covered palapals  for sunbathers to enjoy on Playa Balandra.

Self portrait saying to all the world, "I can't believe I am lucky enough to be here!!!!"

Juli and her dog enjoying a good book on Playa Balandra!
Playa Tecolote.

Brenda on Playa Tecolote with Isla Espiritu Santo in the backgound.

Playa Tecolote.

Tennis ball sized puffer fish being washed up on shore (look upside down and you will see the eyes and the mouth is open on the left) on Playa Coyote.

Another view of the upside down puffer fish where the fin can be seen on the left, eyes on the right and cute little pursed lips on the right! 

Enjoying a refreshing swim on Playa Tecolote!
The second beach, Playa Tecolote, was about 10 minutes away and literally the end of the road. This beach directly faces Isla Espiritu Santo.  The water was much deeper and there were some waves.  The walk on the beach holds many treasures such as shells and a puffer fish!  I saw it rolling around in the surf like a tennis ball on steroids. I looked down and noticed little eyes and a mouth...The little fuffer fish puffs up when it is in stress and being washed up on shore to die would be stressful!  I used an empty water bottle to gently push it back in the water.  I hope the little fellow calms down so that he can shrink to normal size and swim back to sea.  What a great day, thanks to my friend, Juli!


Unknown said...

Those are awesome pics Brenda!! Did the little puffer live?!Poor little fella!

Unknown said...

those beaches are just heavenly!! *Swoon* I wish I were joining you for a dip in that amazing crystal blue sea!! You are one lucky gal :)

Mme. Rogers said...

Yup, I have no doubt just how much Roland liked those pics, Brenda. ;) You look amazing, and so do the beaches!

cabinhousegail said...

We are enjoying your blogs and it is great to see how you are seizing life! We, too, are enjoying the Pacific and the sunny beaches in Ecador with son Ben.
Gail and Mike